
V/A - 94 BAKER ST. (CD) RPM270


(94 Baker Stとは67-68年のブリテイッシュ・ポップやロック・シーンをリードしたあのレーベル「Apple Music」のビルがあった場所。そう本作はApple recordsに残されたレアリティーズを集めたユニークなComp CDだ。マッカートニーがプロデュースを手掛けたGrapefruitや後にBad FingerとなるIveysのレア音源、MisunderstoodのTony Hillのソロ等マニア好みのポップ〜サイケ・ナンバーを収録。Beatlesや当時のフォロワー達のファンはぜひどうぞ。)

Track Listing
1) Focal Point - Love You Forever
2) Focal Point - Sycamore Sid
3) Focal Point - Never Never (unreleased)
4) Focal Point - Girl On The Corner (unreleased)
5) Focal Point - 'Cept Me (unreleased)
6) Grapefruit - Dear Delilah
7) Grapefruit - Ain't It Good
8) Grapefruit - Lullaby (Alternate version)
9) Grapefruit - Another Game (Alternate version)
10) Ways and Means - Breaking Up A Dream
11) Iveys - I'm Too Shy (unreleased)
12) Iveys - Maybe Tomorrow (demo version)
13) Iveys - Tube Train (unreleased)
14) Iveys - She Came Out Of the Cold (unreleased)
15) Iveys - I've Been There Once Before
16) Misunerstood - Children Of The Sun
17) Misunerstood - I Unseen
18) Misunerstood - Find The Hidden Door
19) Getting Ready For Love- Paintbox
20) John Fitch And Associates - Romantic Attitude
21) John Fitch And Associates - Stoned Out Of It
